by chongsulee | Knowledge
What I am going to share with you will make many people cry “ but we only live once” or “you shouldn’t deny yourself” and “everything in moderation”. The problem with most unhealthy food is that they do taste GOOD. However, a poor diet contributes to low energy,...
by chongsulee | Knowledge
Food high in sugar, fat and salt are invariably delicious. When offered in wide variety and large quantity, we lose control and overeat. Why we lose control was covered in my last post. Dr. David Kessler’s book “ The End of Overeating” investigates this problem and...
by chongsulee | Knowledge
Do you know that highly delicious food contains a combination of high sugar, high fat and high salt? The potent combination provides a full range of senses that stimulates the appetite such that we cannot stop eating? Think of your comfort food: pizza, potato chips,...
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