Keep Time With Your Body

We follow timing and schedule everyday. But how many of us keep time according to our body clock? Our body actually has an internal clock that regulates the body metabolic process. It is called the circadian rhythm and it regulates the 24 hour cycle of biological...

Commitment To Weight Loss Program Pays Off

The ultimate way to achieve a permanent weight loss results is to change your lifestyle of healthy eating habit and regular exercise.  But, few can achieve that. Many of us wants to lose weight but cannot be committed to the program and give up half way. As a result,...

Listen To Your Colon!

Your colon or the large intestine, is one of the organs that function to remove undigested waste and toxins from your body. Pay attention to your stool as they are your warning lights and sounds for better health! Question 1: How long does it take you to have a bowel...