Get Smart Energy And Turbo Charge Your Day!

Do you feel tired and exhausted by the time you got home from work at the end of the day and  there is no more energy left for your family? What you eat and the nutrients you obtain from the foods have an impact of the amount of energy you have. Get smart with some of...

Chlorophyll: The Super Blocker!

Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in all plants. It is the powerhouse of the plant, responsible for energy production. Chlorophyll is chemically similar to hemoglobin (oxygen carrying unit in red blood cell) except that the central metal ion is Magnesium instead...

Manuka Honey Is Special Honey!

Manuka honey is a special type of honey made by bees in New Zealand that frequent the Manuka bush ( Leptospermum scoparium) that is also native to New Zealand. The special thing about Manuka honey is it’s antibacterial properties. What is special about Manuka honey?...

Boost Your Immune System With Antioxidants

The body’s own immune system, if sufficiently strengthened with good diet and boosted by antioxidants can resist attacks of cold, flu and any other illnesses. What are antioxidants? Our body consists of 100 trillion cells. Every cells need to respire to obtain energy...