Stop Metabolic Syndrome Now!

If you have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high fasting blood sugar and a big stomach, it is likely that you have Metabolic Syndrome. It is also known as Insulin Resistant Syndrome or Syndrome X. The American Heart Association defines Metabolic Syndrome as...

Get Enough Sleep To Reduce Stress

Sleep is as important as fresh food and exercise to enhance our well-being. If we don’t get enough sleep, our ability to manage stress is compromised. Sleep regenerates our energy level, reduce stress and we won’t fall sick often. Even if we are sick, sleeping allows...

Can You Overdose On Nutritional Supplements?

Some people do not belief in taking nutritional supplements. For those who do, may be worried if they are overdosing on supplements, so try not to take too much. If you ask any doctors and nutritionist about supplements, most of them will say it is a waste of time and...

Diet And Exercise Still Can’t Lose Weight?

If you have been eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly, yet struggle to lose weight, there are 5 possible reasons. 1) Insulin Resistance If your fasting blood glucose level is 110-125 mg/dL, this is an indication of pre-diabetic stage and sign of insulin...