by chongsulee | Health Conditions, Knowledge, Nourish, Workplace Health
Just like eating the right diet can prevent heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer, certain foods can boost the brain power. Giving every brain cells a steady supply of the right nutrients helps to keep them alive and working properly. Here are 10 foods that...
by chongsulee | Cleanse, Knowledge, Nourish
We are exposed to parasites regularly in our environment. Most of the time, the good and bad micro-organism co-exist in our body without causing any problems. But, when the delicate balance is disrupted, diseases may result. Parasites are micro-organism that live off...
by chongsulee | Health Food Ideas, Knowledge, Nourish
Taking lunch to work saves money and is healthier. You can control the portion and calories you eat at lunch. Make sure lunch is balanced with lean and low fat protein, complex carbohydrate, fiber and good fats. Here are 7 healthy lunch ideas that last you for the...
by chongsulee | Cleanse, Health Conditions, Knowledge, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Here is the bitter truth. Sugar is toxic to your body. Chances are, sugar is a big part of your daily diet. You can find sugar in everything you eat. Sugar is so cheaply available and food manufacturers use it to develop delicious foods that we cannot avoid. You can...
by chongsulee | Health Conditions, Knowledge, Nutrition
This blog is contributed by Jillian McKee. Some cases of cancer have specific causes that are beyond an individual’s control, such as heredity and environment. However, health care professionals who specialize in cancer diagnosis and treatment attribute causes that an...
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