by chongsulee | Home, Nutrition
Pomegranate may not have loads of nutrients compared to other fruits, but it is packed with antioxidants and has gotten the reputation as a super food. How to measure antioxidant property? The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) measures the power of antioxidant...
by chongsulee | Cleanse, Health Conditions, Knowledge, Nutrition, Weight Loss
Do you pay attention to your gut health when you are on a weight loss program? Studies have shown that the balance between good and bad bacterial can affect weight gain and obesity. So, it is important to ensure that your gut is healthy to achieve weight loss...
by chongsulee | Health Conditions, Knowledge
My friend’s husband just died of heart attack on Easter Sunday. He was on his way home from his morning cycling exercise when he felt unwell and stopped by the roadside. He vomited, collapsed and died. By the time the ambulance arrived, his heart has stopped. Autopsy...
by chongsulee | Health Conditions, Knowledge, Nourish
In my last post, I covered how water can heal pain. Now, let’s look at how a lack of water is the cause of many diseases. Just keeping the body hydrated can cures diseases. Here are 10 diseases that can be cured by water 1) Heartburn Heartburn is the burning sensation...
by chongsulee | Health Conditions, Knowledge, Weight Loss
You may be fat, but if you maintain or increase your fitness, it can reduce the risk of heart disease. A study reported by Duck-Chul Lee in the Journal of American College of Cardiology, 2012 of 3148 men and women over a 6 years period. The study found that there was...
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