How To Manage Gastric Problems Naturally?

Gastric acid is the acid in the stomach. It is important for digestion and to prevent bacterial growth. Usually there is a protective mechanism to ensure the acid level is balanced. However excessive gastric acid could lead to heartburn, indigestion, fullness,...

Can’t Stop Eating Snacks!

Can’t stop eating snacks at work? Snacking at work can be a sign of boredom, stress, overwork and lack of sleep. Many people, especially, women have food cravings, which drive them to snack on sugary simple carbohydrate, salty food and alcohol. Craving is not the same...

Beauty From Food

Beauty is dependent on the overall health of your body. In order for the skin to look attractive and vibrant, you need to make healthy lifestyle choices and a great place to start is the food you eat. Here are 6 great diet tips that give you beauty: 1) Hydrate...