Heart Attack: There Is No Warning!

My friend’s husband just died of heart attack on Easter Sunday. He was on his way home from his morning cycling exercise when he felt unwell and stopped by the roadside. He vomited, collapsed and died. By the time the ambulance arrived, his heart has stopped. Autopsy...

Water Cures Diseases

In my last post, I covered how water can heal pain. Now, let’s look at how a lack of water is the cause of many diseases. Just keeping the body hydrated can cures diseases. Here are 10 diseases that can be cured by water 1) Heartburn Heartburn is the burning sensation...

How You Can Prevent and Reverse Diabetes

Diabetes has become an epidemic worldwide, hence, it is important that we take steps to prevent or reverse it. The World Health Organization ( WHO) projected the global diabetic population to increase from 171 million in year 2000 to 366 million by 2030. The top 3...