Improve Weight Loss with Antioxidants

When you understand how weight loss is affected by antioxidants in your diet, you can achieve your weight loss results more effectively. What are antioxidants? Antioxidants are a group of chemical compounds found in our body and in plants that inhibit oxidation of the...

Too Much Sugar Accelerates Aging

Excess sugar intake means disaster for your weight and waistline. But did you know that over indulgence on sugar such as bread, pasta, cakes and candy could cause you to age faster? The damage happens through a process called glycation. Glycation is a process by which...

How You Can Prevent and Reverse Diabetes

Diabetes has become an epidemic worldwide, hence, it is important that we take steps to prevent or reverse it. The World Health Organization ( WHO) projected the global diabetic population to increase from 171 million in year 2000 to 366 million by 2030. The top 3...