If you are finding that your weight loss program is not progressing and weight loss has stalled, it could be that your body pH or acid and alkaline is imbalance. You should then look at balancing your body pH before continuing your weight loss program.
What is the pH of the body?
pH is the measurement of alkalinity or acidic and it range from 1 to 14. The lower number 1 to 6 represent acidic pH and the higher number 8 to 14 represent alkaline pH. Neutral pH is 7.
The body tissues and cells environment ideal pH range is 7.35 – 7.5. The normal blood pH is 7.35 – 7.45 while the stomach pH is acidic. When the pH is higher than 7.8 or lower than 6.8, body cells and tissues stop functioning and die.
When the body pH is acidic and outside of the ideal range of 7.35 – 7.5, it will lead to a build up of toxins, weakening of the body cells functions and development of chronic diseases. William Howard Hay in his book “ New Health Era” said that diseases develop when the body auto intoxicate, which means, self poisoning due to accumulation of toxins in the body
What cause the body to be in acidic pH?
1) Diet rich in acid generating food
Acid generating food is different from acidic food. Lemon may be acidic before you eat it, but when digested and absorbed into the body, it is alkaline.
Acid generating foods are:
- Animal proteins from meat and milk – release sulfuric acid through the metabolism of sulphur-containing amino acids contributing to acidity.
- Grains – High Glycemic Index food such as pasta, potato, rice, barley, oats and wheat
2) Stress
When the body is stressed, free radicals are produced, which, causes a lot of damages to the body cells. The by-products of the destruction cause the cellular environment to be acidic.
3) Toxic overload
Environmental exposure to pollution, pesticides, solvents and other chemicals from processed food can lead to higher than acceptable level of toxins in the body.
How does acidity cause obesity?
As the body becomes more acidic, it set up defense mechanism to keep the damaging acid from entering into vita organs. The body does this by building fat deposits and packing up the acids within itself so as to protect organs and keeps a safe distance from the acids and toxins.
How should I maintain an acid-alkaline balance?
1) Hydrate the body
Take at least 2-3 liters of water a day. Use the guideline of 30 ml of water for every kilogram of body weight. When your urine is colorless to slight yellow and not strong smell, it means you have enough water.
Do not drink only when you are thirsty, as your body would have been dehydrated already. Water is essential for the proper functioning of body systems such as oxygen transport, joint lubrication, detoxification and bowel movements.
2) Eat more alkaline generating food
Alkaline generating foods are: most fruits and vegetables, almonds, millets, tofu, whey protein. Aim for 70% of your diet to come from alkaline generating foods. Avoid fried and processed foods. Cook by steaming, boiling and eat it raw where possible.
3) Minerals supplements
Acidic environment in the body cause minerals such as calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium to leach out from the vital organs and bone in order to buffer and neutralize the pH. This can go on undetected and the body organs and bones will suffer from severe damage over time.
As most fruits and vegetables are grown in mineral depleted soil conditions. So, eating natural fruits and vegetables may not give you sufficient mineral contents. Therefore, taking some form of mineral supplements will help.
Start balancing your body pH now so that your weight loss program can be more effective.
If you need help to lose weight, feel free to contact me and discuss if my program will suit you.
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